In San Francisco Bay Area there are two types of Geotechnical Engineering Companies. Big and small ones. Big companies work on state, municipal and large development projects. They have offices in numerous cities and sub-contact most or all of their Field Exploration. Their geotechnical services are very expensive and are usually provided on ongoing basis for many years and are paid by bond measures or deep pockets developers. Small geotechnical company is usually a one-man show who also subcontracts field and lab work to outside vendors.
These small companies cover mostly residential side of the market and provide limited geotechnical services based on the fact that most have only civil engineering license and are not legally allowed to test drill over 5-foot depth.
ACS would like to reinforce our position as integrated geotechnical engineers and foundation, excavation and shoring design and engineering experts by providing full service at affordable price and offer substantial construction cost savings if our recommendations and innovations are followed.
Adept Construction Solution, Inc. maintains a wide array of expertise and experience in Geotechnical Engineering.
We offer the following types of services:
Possession of the C57 drilling contractor license and own field crew and equipment let us expediently and economically obtain drilling permits and complete geotechnical and environmental drilling and sampling in shortest possible time with minimum cost.
We have the capability to operate small scale and large scale power drilling and testing equipment, that can be used inside the building, including minimal ceiling height limitations.
We possess considerable experience in complex geological and geotechnical, limited and difficult site access conditions of the San Francisco and Bay Area.
Close familiarity with various Building Department’s geotechnical requirements allows us to determine the correct and most economical investigation program that will satisfy the DBI requirements and project needs.
Subsurface conditions are characterized utilizing several methods including auger, air-rotary and rotary wash drilling and sampling, Standard Penetration Testing (SPT), Cone Penetration Testing (CPT), Soil and Rock Test Pit Excavation and Sampling, Geophysical Testing Methods.
Our staff have extensive experience in classification, strength, and specialty geotechnical laboratory testing.
All laboratory test results are reviewed by a registered professional.
Based on site geotechnical analyses, field and laboratory explorations our staff develops safe and the most economical alternatives for shallow or deep foundation, retaining walls along with recommend minimum embedment depths, and expected short and long term settlements.
We have considerable experience to design foundations in complex geological conditions of the San Francisco including Bay Mud, severally weathered bedrock, liquefiable sand, unstable steep slopes etc.
Our experience lets us provide our clients with acceptable solutions for the most difficult sites, that in many cases considered non-buildable. In the foundation design we utilize the most advanced technologies such as micropiles, pressure grouting, high capacity tiebacks, special types of piers etc.
Our expertise includes developing geotechnical criteria and design schemes for conventional dug pits underpinning, solder beams with lagging shoring retaining walls, cantilevered or tied-backed, sheet piles, soil nailing, post-tensioned tiebacks or rock anchors, and segmental reinforced earth walls.
Our engineers evaluate alternative means of providing temporary or permanent lateral support for excavations in soil and bedrock.
Our engineers evaluate alternative means of providing temporary or permanent lateral support for cut or fill slopes, or for stabilization purposes.
Our expertise includes developing geotechnical criteria for conventional retaining walls, cantilevered or tie-back sheetpiles, soilnailing, post-tensioned tiebacks or rock anchors, and segmental reinforced earth walls.
Potential geologic hazards are evaluated by our engineers and geologist. These include fault rupture, ground shaking, liquefaction, densification, landsliding and tsunami or seiche inundation. Evaluations are performed in accordance with California Geological Survey guidelines.
Static and seismic slope stability analyses are performed for cut and fill slopes utilizing two and three dimensional methods. Seismically induced slope deformations are calculated based on the results of site response analyses and laboratory test results. Based on stability analyses, stabilization measures are developed to increase the factor of safety, or reduce seismic deformations, to an acceptable level.
Our engineers develop seismic design parameters for structural design, liquefaction evaluation or slope stability analyses. Peak bedrock accelerations are developed utilizing deterministic and probabilistic methods, and site specific response spectra are calculated using equivalent non-linear methods.
We carry out soil and rock geothermal investigations and design and built geothermal systems for heating and cooling commercial and industrial systems.
According to our analysis the saving from installation of the geothermal system for commercial building 40,000 sq. ft. is $400,000 per year.
Our engineers provide recommendations for asphalt and concrete paved roadways and parking areas. In addition, we provide recommendations for sub¬ grade and aggregate base material preparation.
We carry out percolation testing and design on-site sanitary systems. In varies soil conditions and on steep slopes we suggest efficient geotechnical save solutions. Our involvement in many situations allows land lots in prime locations, that are known as non-buildable to be used in residential development. We also analyze the sanitary and drainage systems influence on the slope stability and prepare necessary geotechnical recommendations for system designers as per jurisdictions requirements. We are certified in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties as designers, testers and installers.
Adept Construction Solutions professional engineers evaluate your project, analyze and guide design process of building components systems and material selections for the purpose of achieving essential functions at the lowest cost consistent with required performance, quality, reliability, and safety. We strive to offer innovative expert approach for the entire building envelope.
In the design phase properly applied value engineering considers alternative design solutions to optimize the expected construction cost and reduce projected schedule. To that extent we work with Architects and Structural Engineers to help owners, developers and contractors achieve best results.
In the construction phase ACS draw on our special ‘know¬how’ to originate and propose changes that cut costs while maintaining or enhancing quality, value, and functional performance.
Our consulting personnel include professionals with B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees along with extensive engineering and construction experience. We provide expert witness services during both litigation and dispute resolution.
Our engineers and field technicians have extensive experience in providing observation and testing during earthwork grading, utility trenching, foundation excavation, temporary shoring, tie-backs installation, pier drilling, pile driving, sub-grade preparation and engineered fill, paving and installation of subsurface drainage.