Single Source for Integrated Engineering and Construction Services

Home Owners

If you plan to build a new home, an addition, or a basement in the San Francisco Bay Area, your project will likely require the services from a geotechnical engineering firm like Adept Construction Solutions.
The San Francisco Bay Area’s varied geology and seismic conditions demand different building solutions. Closer to the Bay, you may find shallow ground water, expansive soils, and potential for liquefaction settlement. The San Francisco Peninsula hillsides also present building challenges dealing with steep slopes, poor drainage, erosion, poorly placed fills and landslides.

Adept Construction Solutions acts as a homeowner advocate and is involved during the planning and construction phases of your home:

    • ACS geotechnical scope includes soil borings, laboratory testing, surface and subsurface analysis, and recommendations for a correct, cost-effective foundation system. Our Geotechnical Report is used by the architect, civil and structural engineers to prepare the plans and is submitted to the building departments to insure structural design compliance.


    • Our engineers recommend the most appropriate foundation type and confirm that the grading and foundation installation are being constructed properly.


    • ACS also reviews the project plans and provide a letter to the building department to confirm the plans meet the intentions of the geotechnical report.


  • ACS performs excavation, pier drilling grading and foundation special inspections observations and site visits to confirm the project is being built per plan.

To summarize, hiring Adept Construction Solutions as your geotechnical engineering firm is an investment in the long-term performance of your new custom home or home addition.